Thursday, May 7, 2020

Reduce Stress For Cats In New Homes

Moving to a new home is a stress for all cats. As animal owners, we can reduce stress by providing a stress-free environment and using soothing pheromones and dietary supplements. It is wonderful that our little family members have different personalities. Sometimes our cats are shy or scared for a variety of reasons. Some animals that have had a tough start in life can be a little unsafe when they come into a new family, so you have to be patient! It takes a long time to get those who have been treated badly to trust people again. In the beginning you can enjoy the small progress.

Introducing cats in homes with other cats - what to think about?

Introducing a new cat in a household that already has other cats is a very high stressor and as a cat owner you should think carefully before procuring more cats. Your household must be large enough so that all cats can feel safe and "take their seat". This is especially true for indoor cats that do not have access to the outdoor environment, where they have the opportunity of a slightly larger breed than what is possible indoors.

There are some cats that could be a little easier to introduce to a household with several other cats:

  • younger cats
  • neutered cats
  • very socialized cats
  • cats that are related
  • cats that have a friendly and confident temperament
  • Different cats have different stress thresholds and different needs. A cat that moves into a new household with several cats is often initially low. Cats can show stress and insecurity by urinating, itching, hiding, reduced appetite and playfulness.

Keep in mind that the more cats you have, the greater the adjustments the cats must make to become an integrated and well-functioning group!

Create a positive atmosphere around the new cat

For the first few days, the new cat should be in its own calm and safe, where all the cat's basic needs are present as well as toys, cat beds, claws that the cat also needs. Feel free to bring things from the cat's previous home so that it recognizes and is safe. Place extra food bowls on both sides of the door into the cat's room. Add extra good food. This way, the new cat and the other cats in the household can feel the smell and presence of each other while doing something nice like eating good food.

Let the cats smell each other before they see each other

Cats like to have control and are a little suspicious of things that are new. If you make the introduction of the new cat incrementally, there is a greater chance that it will occur without stress. Allow the cats to exchange each other's scents. You can put soft (eg fleece) "snout blankets" in the cats' beds which you then replace and place on the other side of the door. Then you can place the cat-scented blankets near places where the cats are often staying but make sure you do not place it in a cat bed / hiding place so that any cat suddenly becomes "crippled". Feel free to place some candy or a fun toy as the cats associate the new scent with something positive.

A few days after the cat has arrived in its new home and it is completely safe and quiet, you can let the old cats enter the new cat's room to discover and take in the scents of the new cat. In the meantime, the new cat may be with one of the family members and get food or play in, for example, the kitchen (if it can be closed) for a short while. The first time the new cat is allowed to invent the other house, it can also do this without the other cats being present. Sometimes this does not happen but if none of the cats get too stressed they can spend the night or an hour in the mat / house bedroom or similar.

First see but not touch

Since the cats do not show any concern or aggression towards the other cat on the other side of the door, you can start to see each other at a distance. Since you do not know how the cats will react, it is best to have some sort of partition between them. You can name compost grates in the door for them to see but not touch each other. You can also start by just opening a little door in the door so they can see but not go in / out of the room. Again, get the cats to link the new cat (s) with something positive. These can be toys, that you play with the cats on either side or with sweets.

Getting to meet each other for the first time

When the cats are confident of seeing the other cat (s), they can meet for the first time. Just let the new cat meet one of the cats living in the household at a time for a start and preferably take a social and calm cat. Let them meet each other for a while while in a positive atmosphere. You can place 2 food bowls a piece in from each other as they receive food at the same time in the room. Another alternative we mentioned before is play as distraction or positive reinforcement. The first times the cats get to meet each other you should always be involved and the visits can be extended gradually.

Risky Business

The cats can spend short moments (a few minutes) with each other without you being present, as long as none of the cats exhibit aggressive behavior. If the cats function freely in hop and they show social behavior you can socialize with each other without being present for short periods throughout the day. The new cat may return to its own safe room between visits.

Enrich your cat's environment

When introducing the cats to each other, environmental enrichment and stimulation are extra important. You need to enrich both the cats' physical environment but also their social / mental environment. Play is liberating for cats and many of their natural behavior such as sneaking, hunting can be exercised in play. Make sure to play with all the cats. Play is also a basic need and a rangy cat may not want to play when a dominant cat is "watching". You may then need to play with a shy cat separately. A shy, rangy cat may need various calm, safe exercises daily. Pat, brush with massage brush. A more dominant and safe cat may need to discharge more energy than a calmer cat.

Meet the cat's basic needs

To minimize stress, always ensure that your cat's basic needs are met;

Access to food and water

Food and water bowls should be placed so that the cat, if shy, can drink and eat in several places in the household. The dining area should be a safe and quiet place in the home (do not place the food bowl and a humming, scary washing machine) The same applies if you have more cats then you should place bowls so that all cats can eat in peace even the rank cats. It is not enough to give all cats their own food bowl but to place them next to each other or close to the kitchen. Some cats prefer to drink from running water. Then a water fountain such as Drinkwell can trigger the cats to drink more.

Access to hiding places

Cats like to sit a little taller and look down at the surroundings. Climbing trees with several ledges are a good solution. But well-secured shelves on the wall are also perfect places where the cat can lie and scoop up possibly hiding. Flooring hiding places can also be good. A used cardboard box that you cut out a door in can serve as a hiding place. Hiding places should be found both in the indoor environment and outdoors. If you have several cats make sure that there are hiding places for cats who want to lie alone but also hiding places / shelves where cats who want to "cuddle" together can fit. KONG Triangle play food is a hiding place and playground in one. It is perfect to have the cat breeder with him so that he can accompany him to the cat's new household. This creates a sense of security.

Access to kiss box

All cats should have a box is the rule. Some shy cats like to see their cat mates and even people when they do their needs. If you do not know what your cat needs, make sure you have a cat box with a roof and one without a roof where the cat can see the surroundings and any threats. The location of the box is also important. You can have one in the toilet but if you have a shy cat or low-lying cat then the cat can be unsure of going to the box that becomes difficult to access in a room. It is better then to place it in a corner where the cat has a free view in front of him but does not need to keep track of his back. Cats also have different preferences on what cat litter they want. Some want lump formation and others want wood pellets etc. Keep in mind that some clay-based / lump-forming cat sander can cause the cat to develop the disease hyperthyroidism as an older cat.

Things that can worry your cat

You love your cat very much, but it sometimes feels hard to understand what it wants and feels. Do you recognize yourself?

Having a conversation with your cat does not work, but there are many other ways to find out how your cat is feeling!

Read our tips and become an expert at understanding cat behavior. Your understanding will give your cat a greater sense of security and you will have an even better relationship.

Cats love to have control in their territory

When the cat feels satisfied and in control, they carefully "mark" their home with messages of security by rubbing their face against furniture or against your legs. Every time the cat rubs its face it leaves behind its "safety pheromones", a scent message that here I am safe. If your cat does that you can be sure your cat is doing well.

Things that can worry your cat

There are many things that can interfere with your cat's need for stability and thus affect his or her behavior.

For example, every time you move furniture, bring in new furniture, big cities, renovate your house, do some DYI work at home. Why? Well, because then you remove the messages messages of safety that your cat has left behind that will make it no longer feel at home. Your cat may then become disoriented and you may notice changes in the cat's behavior. Which in cat language means that the cat is worried and feels some discomfort.

Other things that can affect your cat are access to food, heat, water and a toilet. But competition for attention in the home from other cats as well as visitors to the home is affecting.

Your cat loves routines and stability. If your cat has been away for some time (for example, after living on cat retirement or staying with the veterinarian) it may feel a little lost when it comes home. Why? Well, all the cat's own message of safety has disappeared while the cat was gone. It simply does not recognize its own home!

But the biggest change your cat can make is moving to a new house or apartment. Even we humans can sometimes feel a little lost after a move, but it really applies to your cat. Entering a home without any message of security, ie pheromone markings, will create great stress and worry for your cat. This can affect your cat's behavior and you may notice that your cat begins to itch on furniture, pee indoors in the wrong places and hide in shadows more often.

The Signs That Your Cat Is Disappointed Or Concerned

  • Kisses Indoors In The Wrong Places
  • Hiding In The Shadows
  • Trouble With Other Cats In The Home
  • Washes Excessively
  • Less Active
  • Less Appetite
  • Closes On Furniture
  • Eat More Or Less Than Usual

Unlike dogs, which give the owner clear signals when they need something, cats are much more discreet and complex when they show what they need.

When you know what signs to look for to see when the cat is feeling dissatisfied, worried and stressed, you have come a long way. It helps you understand the cat and be able to help it feel better and to feel safe, satisfied and safe again faster.

What to Consider Before Buying a Cat?

Buying an animal is a big responsibility. Cats live for many years and during this time they depend on you taking care of them and making sure they are well. Before buying a cat, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Do you have room for a cat?

How do you live? If you live in a crowded place or maybe temporarily in one place, it is wise to wait to buy a cat. Are you going to let the cat out? If you live in an area where it is appropriate to have the cat outside, it will work well with an outdoor cat. However, if it is an area with dense buildings and busy roads, it is more appropriate to have an indoor tax. You can also make sure the cat is home safe so it is safe for the cat.

Do you have time with a cat?

How much time are you at home? The cat is not a flock animal like the dog but still wants companionship and needs supervision at least twice a day. If you work long days you may be able to arrange for a neighbor to look at the cat during the day. If you travel a lot, even before you buy a cat, think about whether you can get help with caring for the cat when you are away.

How much does a cat cost?

Buying a cat costs a lot depending on the type of cat you buy and from whom. Race taxes often cost more than house cats. In addition to the cost of the cat itself, there are some things you can invest in when you get the cat and you can count on running costs for food, cat sand, vaccination and more.

Where to buy a cat?

Once you have decided that you want to buy a cat, there are different options. Do you want a house cat or a cat ? Most breed cats often fit well as indoor cats. They have properties that are easier to predict because you have a control on the breed in a completely different way than for house cats. Domestic cats on the other hand are usually healthier and more durable than many breed cats.

If you want a purebred cat, you can look for breeders online. Feel free to compare a few different breeders and contact them to find out if they have any kittens going on. You can also find house cats easily through the internet. There are various ad forums where you can find ads on kittens.

If you are thinking of an adult cat, a cat home or cat aid organization may be a good option. There you can adopt a cat that needs a new home. It happens that they also mediate kittens. Read more about adopting a cat .

To consider when buying a cat:

  • No matter where you buy or adopt the cat, keep in mind that:

  • Sign a purchase contract. Breeders often have agreements they use. There are also templates to be found online.

  • Ask to see a veterinary certificate confirming that the cat you are buying is healthy. At the time of purchase, the certificate shall not be older than seven days. Remember that the kitten should not be delivered until the earliest at the age of twelve weeks.

  • Make sure the cat is vaccinated and ask for information so you know when it's time for the next vaccination.

  • Make sure the cat is labeled. As soon as you own the cat you register as the owner of the cat with eg Animal ID.

  • Take out a cat insurance . If you buy a kitten, it is important to insure it as soon as possible so that nothing can happen before it is insured. If you buy an older cat that is already insured, it is important that there is no gap between the insurance.

  • Things you need before you bring your cat home: transport cage, cat litter, cat litter, food bowl, water bowl, cat food, cat toys and preferably a small cat pharmacy with tick pickers and thermometers.

Snacks and treats for cats

As a cat lover, you know how tempting it can be to give your friend treats and snacks to eat in addition to the main meals.

As a cat lover, you know how tempting it can be to give your friend treats and snacks to eat in addition to the main meals. For many people, leftovers from the plate or food in the hand are a way to show affection to the cat. When it comes to cat goodies, your intentions may be good, but the fact is that people's food can be very caloric and salty and often miss many of the important nutrients your cat needs. What this means is that you run the risk of overeating and / or disturbing the balance of the cat's diet.

The good news is that there are many ready-made goodies that have been developed to support digestion or dental health, or as a special treat or reward for your friend. Remember that these contain calories and may not be complete or balanced. It is therefore important that you reduce the main goal by the corresponding calorie level when you give the cat a snack. You should also limit your cat's treats to no more than 10% of your daily caloric intake so that you do not disturb the balance of the cat's general diet.

Cats and milk

Have you heard about the cat who got the cream? Tradition says that cats love milk - but in reality their digestive system is not developed to withstand the lactose contained in milk (a type of natural sugar found in milk products). In fact, many cats get diarrhea if they get cow's milk.

Special cat milk has low lactose levels to avoid these digestive problems, but as with all sweets, this milk contains calories and this should be taken into account to keep the diet balanced. Also, special cat milk should not be used as a substitute for water - if you give the cat special cat milk, you should reduce your general calorie intake equally.

cat biscuits

Treats or cat biscuits can be great to give the cat as a reward and we all like to give our animals a real treat to show how much we love them! Just remember to reduce your cat's main goal by just as much if you give the cat treats and choose cat sweets that are nutritionally balanced to avoid disrupting the diet. For very young cats, there may be cat candy for kittens, but it is not recommended. You can read more about how to feed your kitten here . When you give your cat food or sweets, make sure it has access to clean, fresh drinking water throughout the day. Consider using pieces of the cat's main goal as a reward, especially if it has a special diet for medical reasons such as weight loss, because candy may not be allowed. Talk to your veterinarian if you are unsure.

How much should a cat eat?

The cat has been given another task in humans today and is now a beloved and cherished pet and is definitely not an animal you only have in the stable or around the house to catch mice. Thus, it has been a long time since cats got their main food from only small birds and mice.

Today, there is a rich selection of different types of cat food . It can be difficult to know how to feed your cat in the best possible way so that it gets all the nutrients and is neither overweight nor overweight.

Cats also need, for them, the vital substance taurine , which is something that a cat owner must control for the cat to get inside. Lack of taurine causes heart disease and blindness.

Many people only give dry feed to their cats, but what you should remember is that cats are not like dogs who drink very much during the day. Cats have no ability to feel thirsty and can thus become severely dehydrated if you are not aware of this.

This is especially true if the cat is on dry food. It can definitely be good to consider giving the cat wet food , at least in combination with the dry food.

You can also soak the dry food before giving it and in that way get more fluid in the cat. A dehydrated cat can suffer from serious ailments and have kidney, bile, and liver problems among other things.

Cats get their nutrition from fat and protein and have very little need for carbohydrates. The large amount of different types of cat food on the market can be very confusing, we can really agree with that.

But one should also keep in mind that cats like to vary their diet, so it is also an advantage that there is a lot to choose from. The amount of food is often something that a cat owner may find difficult.

There are several things to consider when feeding your cat. The amount of feeding is always on the package or can be found on the company's website.

However, this is not only enough, but one must also consider whether the cat is neutered, neutered, or whether it is an indoor or outdoor cat. These are the main aspects that affect the cat's energy needs.
This is how much the cat should eat

So it is important to look at the table of contents when it comes to the quantity, and combine it with the knowledge of how much the cat moves about the days. On average, you can say that a cat of about 6 kilos should eat about 80 grams of dry food per day.

But this is just a broad estimate and it is not possible to say exactly because each product contains different kinds of nutrients and different amounts.

When it comes to wet food , you can usually give a little more because the wet food also contains liquid. If you give your cat dry food it is important that you always have fresh water in front and also make sure that it really drinks too.

The cat's eating habits

As mentioned before, it is therefore good that there are many different types of cat food on the market because cats like to vary. A cat can get tired of the food and it is good to change the flavors and brand regularly.

Many people want to make sure that their cats are not overweight and fat, and rightly so. But it is also not good for a cat to be too narrow. If you refuse food, for example, you must contact your veterinarian immediately, as a rapid weight loss can often damage the cat's liver.

This is yet another reason to switch between different tastes and brands on the food as the cat stays more curious about food if it gets variety.

Cats have little need for carbohydrates and, in addition, do not feel good about large amounts of it. This means that you should never give the cat dog food or other food that is for other types of pets. Dog food often contains more carbohydrates and not infrequently cereals, which it should definitely not eat.

In addition, it is good to keep track of whether the cat food contains sugar. This is harmful to the cat and no good ingredient, which unfortunately is often found in cat food, just as it does in dog food.

Serve the food like this

Before serving the food, allow it to stand for a while so that it is room-temperature. Cold food is uncomfortable for the cat to eat and if it is tricky it definitely helps to not eat the food.
Never leave old eaten wet food in the food bowl to let the cat eat later. In the food bacteria develop and its sensitive stomach can be affected by this.

For cats, drinking water can be complicated. As we mentioned before, they feel no thirst and cannot independently control their physical need for water. This is especially difficult for a cat who is on dry feed.

Cats do not like when the whiskers touch the bowl's edges when drinking and this may be something that can make it unjustified to drink water from their bowl. Serve the water in low, wide bowls, giving the cat better conditions to drink.

There are also really smart so-called water fountains on the market that you can buy, which often gives the cat a much greater tendency to drink. A water fountain runs on electricity and circulates the water in an inviting and fun way for the cat, so that it likes to play and drink from the water.

Keep track of the cat's weight

So be careful with the weight of the cat and make sure it does not become overweight or overweight. Weigh it regularly. You do this easiest by first standing on the scales yourself and then doing it again with the cat in your arms. You then see how much larger the number is on the scale and you can easily calculate the cat's weight.
If you have more cats, you also need to be careful that everyone in the herd is allowed to eat, even those with lower rank and easier to get away. Cats can also suffer from food allergies, so remember to avoid giving it milk as there is a risk of lactose intolerant.

The cat with poor appetite

If you have a cat that does not eat it can be due to several reasons. Firstly, you must state with the veterinarian that it is healthy and that there is nothing wrong with it. Secondly, you need to think about whether the cat can be depressed or depressed.

Cats need stimulation because they are very curious animals. In the outdoors, they embark on many exciting adventures. So it is very important that they get rid of their surplus energy, play, and if it is innate, it is also very good if you can go out with it in leash to let it explore the world that way.

An indoor cat may be very skeptical about going out to begin with, but if you take the short moments every day for a start it will soon have become accustomed and likes to go out for walks .

How the kitten should eat

For the growing cat it can be even more challenging to know what to eat. Should it have wet or dry food? Should I give it nutritional supplements and maybe even home cooking sometimes?

A kitten is definitely not an adult cat, even in terms of food, and it is important to remember that it is very sensitive because of its undeveloped gastrointestinal tract. Up to 4 weeks of age, the kitten's stomach is adapted only to be able to digest the cat's milk from the teats.

When it is about a month old you can start giving it small amounts of solid food and at 4 months the cat's gastrointestinal system can no longer break down lactose and it is time for it to eat solid food. So you should never give it milk.

Still, the kitten's digestive system is extremely sensitive and it is not possible to change food as in an adult cat. Here it is important to give it a well adapted feed for kittens and change food if you do it carefully and gradually with a transition of at least a week. Sudden feeding changes can cause diarrhea and stomach and intestinal disorders.

A cat food intended for kittens has more easily digested nutrients and a carefully composed fiber mixture to promote the health of the kitten's stomach and intestines.

Often they also contain vitamins and antioxidants because the kitten has a sensitive immune system and needs to absorb many different nutrients. The energy content is usually higher because the significant growth period for the cat is intense and it has a high energy demand.

Do thorough research before you get your cat

As you can see, there are many things to keep in mind about food when it comes to your cat's health. Therefore, it is great if you do your homework already in advance and put a dose of extra energy on that just the diet should be as good as possible for your cat.

There is lots of information and this can seem confusing, but if you ask for advice from your breeder and veterinarian you usually find information that is important and correct in this context.

Reduce Stress For Cats In New Homes

Moving to a new home is a stress for all cats. As animal owners, we can reduce stress by providing a stress-free environment and using sooth...